I have always disliked introducing myself in school or someplace new where they had you go around the room and stand up and say...I am....now I need to figure out how to do this in blog form.
So without further ado...
All about me....I am expressive, diplomatic, open-minded, kind-hearted, understanding, passionate and loyal. I can be introverted but other times I am very extroverted. I am a mixed media artist. I throw myself into my art and usually emerge with some of the art on me....smeared in charcoal or paint. I am a foodie wannabe and amateur cook. I enjoy wine, tea with cream, reading, chocolate, mail love, music, stationary, art, fresh pineapple, Asian food, cookbooks, typography, mary janes, coloring books and crayons, anything handmade, and the endless possibilities of life. I like Paulo Coelho books, Pre-Raphaelites paintings, and Joss Whedon shows (ie: Firefly). I am constantly learning and growing in my spirituality. I find my inner cool and calm through Buddhism. I love and adore my partner, Michael completely, openly and deeply. I love my family and friends very much and appreciate all their support and kindness.
On Cooking...My Mom, her Mom and her Mom before her all cooked and are known for being great cooks. And now I cook. You would think with a line of wonderful cooks in my family that I pretty much would have been cooking as a child but I do have to say my Mom's kitchen is HER kitchen. And I don't think I just ever got "it" -- how enjoyable food was until I was an adult so I never asked to learn. I just kind of fell into cooking. As an adult I started cooking and really I was not horrible but I wasn't great either. Baking really is what got me hooked on cooking. I enjoyed baking, sharing and seeing people enjoy the sweet treats. Up until then I was scared of the kitchen. Scared of messing up. Then one day I got over that and just started creating, testing, and enjoying the process. It was much like art for me - textures, colors, now add in smell and taste....all coming together to form a work and creating an exeperience for not only me but others.
I created this blog in order to share some of the things I cook. I will share recipes and photos. I live in Colorado so there is altitude element that plays into my baking. Often my cupcakes, muffins, and cookies aren't poofy like the pictures in cookbooks. I have lived here 3 years and am still experimenting with that element. I have finally mastered bread so that it doesn't fall (really it was almost test to my patience). I cook everything from gourmet food, comfort food, quick meals, food of my childhood and whatever else inspires me.