Not the best picture but they are very good! They turned out perfect this year too. Sometimes they are a little soft. These were chewy and firm like a caramel. Michael usually makes these because they require lots of stirring and my arm goes out before they come to tempature. We wrap them together too and it is nice Christmas tradition for us. Sitting at the table talking, Christmas music playing in the background, the tree sparkling with lights while we wrap the caramels. I like making them not only because they are tasty but I only need to make one batch and it will cover all the goodie trays I make every year because they make such a big batch.

2 cups sugar
2 cups whipping (heavy) cream
3/4 Light Corn Syrup
1/2 cups margarine or butter
2 ounces unsweetened chocolate - chopped
Butter square pan - 8x8 or 9x9. Heat sugar, cream, corn syrup, butter and chocolate to boiling in a 3 quart saucepan over medium heat. Stirring constantly. Cook to 245 degrees on candy thermometer or until small amount of mixture dropped into very cold water forms a firm ball that holds its shape until pressed. Spread in buttered pan. Cool. Cut in squares. Wrap individually in plastic wrap or wax paper.
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