Friday, March 21, 2008

Homemade Donuts

I enjoy the recipes over at so this is one of them that she posted a while back. Baked Donuts...just called my name. I always see recipes for fried donuts and I just don't like having to "deep fat fry" food. I love the taste when someone else makes it. So baked donuts is something I could do.

They turned out really good. I am always surprised when bread-items turn out the first time for me as I really have had some a battles with the altitude. But these turned out scrumptious. The only thing is they need to be eaten right away. After sitting over night they lost their donut taste. They tasted more bready. I have wondered if they could be rolled out and cut out and then froze so that you could make smaller batches. So I might try that one day.

Recipe for baked donuts.

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