The recipe is from Kraft Food and Family Magazine that you can get free on their website. I modified it just slightly. So here is what I did....
1 can (14-1/2 oz.) diced tomatoes, undrained (I added some garlic and basil to it to taste)
1/2 cup of chicken stock
3/4 cup Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
1/4 cup parmesan cheese
1 pkg. (6 oz.) Stuffing Mix for Chicken
4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves (recipe called for 8 small chicken breasts and that is way to much chicken for just the 2 of us)
1/2 cup Italian Dressing (original recipe called for Roasted Red Pepper Italian with Parmesan Dressing but of course our stores didn't have that so improvised)
1/2 cup of roasted peppers chopped
PREHEAT oven to 350°F. Combine tomatoes with their liquid, the cheese, chicken stock and dry stuffing mix; stir just until moistened.
PLACE chicken breast between 2 sheets of plastic wrap. Pound chicken with side of heavy can, rolling pin or meat mallet until chicken is 1/4-inch thick. Repeat with remaining chicken breast halves. Place chicken, top-sides down, on large cutting board; spread evenly with stuffing mixture. Starting at one of the narrow ends, tightly roll up chicken. (I used some metal skewers to keep them in place and took them out half way through cooking.) Place, seam-sides down, in 13x9-inch baking dish. Drizzle evenly with dressing and roasted peppers. I placed the remaining stuffing around the chicken.
BAKE 40 min. (I forgot this part but will try it next time --- Sprinkle with cheese. Bake an additional 5 min.) or until chicken is cooked through (and cheese is melted).
Link to original Kraft recipe.